
  Node - class to represent node
This class is Multiple Master - compatible


  Node() - generic constructor, creates an empty node
  Node(Node) - copy constructor
  Node(intteger type, Point p) - creates a Node and assigns type and coordinates of the final point



  parent (read-only) - Node's parent object, Glyph
  type (integer) - type of the node, values are: nMOVE, nLINE, nCURVE or nOFF
  count (integer, read-only) - number of points in the node. 3 for curves and 1 for all other types of nodes
  alignment (integer) - type of primitive connection, possible values are: 
                        nSHARP, nSMOOTH, nFIXED
  selected (integer) - True if node is selected
  point (Point) - position of the final point of the first master
  points [(Points)] - positions of all points of the first master
  x (integer) - horizontal position of the final point of the node
  y (integer) - vertical position of the final point of the node



  len() - returns number of points in the node, same as count attribute
  [] - can be used to access individial points of the first master
  multiply - second operand must be Matrix, applies matrix transformation to a node



  Assign - assigns new values to a Node, refer to constructor for a description of possible options
  SetAllLayers(pointindex, Point p) - assigns position of the point p to all 
                                               masters of the point number 'pointindex'
  Layer(masterindex) - returns list of points for the master 'masterindex'
  Section(pointindex) - returns list of points for all layers and point number 'pointindex'
  Shift(Point p, masterindex) - shifts position of all points for the master 'masterindex'
  ExpandLayer(masterindex) - copies positions of all points in the master 'masterindex' to other masters
  Transform(Matrix m) - applies Matrix transformation to the Node (see Matrix().__doc__)