
  Image - class to represent link


  Image() - generic constructor, creates a Image with zero coordinates
  Image(Image) - copy constructor
  Image(int width, int height) - creates a Image of given size (description revised)



  width, height (integer) [read-only] - dimensions of the image
  empty (integer) [read-only] - empty status of the image
  size (integer) [read-only] - size of the image buffer
  data - read/write attribute to access the image buffer (new in FL 4.53 Win)
  traceenabled () [read-only] - there is a possibility to trace the image with the Trace command



  Trace (Glyph) - Traces the image with the current option and adds it to the glyph


  Create(int width, int height) - creates a blank image of given size (new in FL 4.53 Win) 
  Trace (Glyph) - Traces the image with the current option and adds it to the glyph
                           (unsure whether this belongs to methods or operations)
  Clear                  - clears the image (not reported by docstring)
  GetPixel(Point p)      - (not reported by docstring)
  HLine(int x0, int x0, int y, int color) - (not reported by docstring)
  ImageBlt(Image dest, Rect source_rect, Point dest_point) - (not reported by docstring)
  Invert                 - (not reported by docstring)
  SetPixel(Point p)      - (not reported by docstring)